Thread: Mac's HST
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:20 PM
mac mac is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: California
Posts: 123

Friday's numbers (last day)

Leg Xtensions [2] 220
SL Curls [1] 105
Flat Bench [2] 300
Decline DB [1] 125
S Shoulder Press [1] 200
Shrugs [2] 410
Barbell Curls [1] 125
Cable Pressdowns [1] 110
Dips [1] BW+65
WG Pulldowns [2] 245
CG Rows [1] 235
Calves [2] 320

Well Friday was the last day of my program. I felt really strong and tried to push to get those last few reps in. I finally hit 300 on bench and it felt so good.

Today I took my final measurements today and I wasn't all pleased with the numbers. My weight went up from 172 to 180 so all was good, but I couldn't really see where it all went. I LOST 1/4" on my arms, not happy with that at all. I really wanted to see these numbers go up. I LOST 1/4" on my right forearm and 1/2" on my left. My shoulders GREW 1/2", so that was all good. My chest GREW 1" getting better. I gained 1" on my waist, not so cool. GREW 1" on my right leg and 1 1/2" on my left leg. And both my calves stayed the same.

I can kinda see where all my weight gain went but I'm not happy with my arms at all. They have always been a sore spot for me. Not really happy with the size. I was hoping this program would put on more size then this, but then again maybe my expectations were a little to high. What do you guys think about the gains and lack of gains??? I've been eating everything in site and keeping my protein intake high so I'm not sure what went wrong.

Tomorrow I'm gonna start Chad Waterburys 10x3 for fat loss, and get on one of his recomended diet plans. Gonna try to get lean for the summer. See ya at the next journal.
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