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Old 05-08-2007, 11:22 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
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Default Reset AD by Palo Alto Labs

So I heard a little of the hype around this product, so I decided to give it a try, you can see more info on it here

The product is touted as being a Adrenal Support/ReSensitizer/Regulator.

Some background

When I was younger, I was an idiot. I was grossly over wieght, and I popped Xenadrine (with ephedra) like candy for months on end. Long story short, when I came off of it, I went into a serious depression, and ended up with Cronic Fatique Syndrom, and serious adrenal shut down.

since then, stims hit me very hard, I try not to use them so much, maybe 2-3 times a week if needed at the most (coffee included). Or if i'm cutting i'll run the e/c stack for 2 weeks, then off for 2 to 3. but Its even harsh coming off that.

I picked up a bottle of this stuff, and I ran the e/c for two weeks starting april 22nd. I stopped the e/c on sunday, I accidentally left my bottle of Reset AD at home when I was away this weekend, stupid me, and I was barely able to keep my eyes open, i had to take naps every few hours just to function, I couldnt focus on anything, this is my usual after 2 weeks of e/c.

Starting monday I began taking Reset AD one upon waking, one around 2pm. I have not had any trouble staying awake, or having energy for my workout yesterday. Its only been two days I know, but the first few days off stims are the worst, and this stuff has curbed the downside all together. Even the slight depression i felt on sunday is gone.

As usual with any supps I'm not saying this is a cure all if your tired a lot. but its working well for me thus far, and if you have similar problems with stims you might want to check it out.
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