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Old 05-18-2007, 07:52 AM
sparkle sparkle is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 5
Default Help....Please....Advice, Suggestions

Ok, I'm not exactly a beginner but now that I've been working out seriously for a while, I have learned I don't really know much. I am 5' 5", 126 lbs. and am seeing results but wondering if I could be seeing more! I was wondering if anyone had time to tell me what I should be adding, subtracting or changing in my routine. As far as supplements, I only take flaxseed oil and a multi-vitamin. I'm thinking I should be taking something for muscle recovery but am not really sure what. I am wise with my nutrition and eat very healthy, but I don't know that I am eating enough protein. Someone suggested adding whey at the end of my workout so I am going to do this. Is there a specific brand I should be looking at? Also, should I look for low fat content? The fat issue is why I hadn't added as of yet. I drink a lot of water so this is good.

I know that I'm not working my body to failure (although I try) so I am thinking of upping my routine to BP 2x a week. Right now I am only doing each BP once a week except for abs which I do everyday. I do my strength training 4 days a week and I walk on an incline treadmill 3 days a week for 45 minutes a day. Should I be adding excercises to my tricep, bicep, and calf work out? Also I have nothing for glutes really in this routine, does anyone have any suggestions? This is one body part I really want to hit hard. How many different excercises should you do for each BP? This is what I do for strength...

Monday - Chest
Machine Chest Press- 4 Sets/8 Reps
Pec Deck Flyes-3 Sets/14 Reps
Machine Incline Chest Press- 2 Sets/16 Reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Extensions-3 Sets/8 Reps
Rope Extensions- 3 Sets/11 Reps
Hanging Leg Raises- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Hanging Knee Tucks- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Crunches-3 Sets/40 Reps

Wednesday -
Angled Leg Press- 4 Sets/10 Reps
Lying Leg Curls- 3 Sets/10 Reps
Standing Leg Curls- 2 Sets/14 Reps
Leg Extensions- 2 Sets/17 Reps
Donkey Calf Raises-3 Sets/10 Reps
Lower Back
Hyperextensions III
Hanging Leg Raises- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Hanging Knee Tucks- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Crunches- 3 Sets/40 Reps

Friday -
Machine Shoulder Press- 3 Sets/8 Reps
Machine Lateral Raises- 3 Sets/13 Reps
Dumbbell Upright Rows- 2 Sets/8 Reps
Dumbbell Shrugs- 2 Sets/16 Reps
Hanging Leg Raises- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Hanging Knee Tucks- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Crunches- 3 Sets/40 Reps

Saturday -
Close-Grip Pulldowns-4 Sets/ 8 Reps
Wide-Grip Front Pulldowns-3 Sets/10 Reps
Machine Pullovers- 2 Sets/13 Reps
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls-3 Sets/8 Reps
Cable Curls-3 Sets/11 Reps
Dumbbell Wrist Curls-2 Sets/10 Reps
Hanging Leg Raises- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Hanging Knee Tucks- 2 Sets/20 Reps
Crunches- 3 Sets/ 40 Reps

Also, another question...What does it mean when a person describes an excercise and says "supersetted with" and then names another excercise? Is this a could routine or should I change something? If anyone can give me any pointers I would really appreciate it. Thank you....
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