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Old 06-08-2007, 10:08 PM
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Default The Vital Importance of Fruits and Veggies

One thing I would caution about protein intake is that they contain acids that are released in processing, and this has to be removed by the body.

If you don't take in a proportionately greater amount of fruits and veggies that contain alkaloids to help balance out the acidity of your body, you will actually remove calcium from your bones to counteract it.

Acidosis is actually a major cause of osteoporosis, and can lead to kidney stones (like mine!) and arthritis, as well as hardening of the arteries.

All of that extra calcium from your bones floating around in your blood stream will start to accumulate, and form glass like shards of calcium oxlate that build up into kidney stones, can collect in arteries and restrict bloodflow, and collect in your joints wearing down cartilage like sand in an engine.

I'm not trying to advocate vegetarianism, but rather based on my research and personal experience, suggest that people who are taking in extra protein should make sure that they are also eating proportionately more veggies and fruits to counter act the acidity.

Another interesting thing, body fat is stored as fatty acids and there is some evidence to suggest that fat burning can be greatly increased with a greater intake of fruits and veggies.

I'm definately seeing positive results after changing my diet, I'm doing 50 pushups in under a minute now, with no residual soreness!
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