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Old 06-18-2007, 07:14 PM
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hunt0r hunt0r is offline
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So I decided to just suck it up and do the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday workouts. I will make time every Friday, even if it means everything else gets put on hold!

Monday 18 June

Workout A
3x5 Squat - 185 lbs
3x5 Bench Press - 245 lbs
3x5 Deadlift - 175 lbs
2x12 Dips - 45 lbs

Ab work: Decline sit-ups (1x70), Leg Raises (1x40), Medicine ball rotations (2x50)

Squats were pretty tough, I think Im going to stay at 185lbs for a little longer. I tried going for 250lbs on bench but it nearly killed me on my first set so I lowered it to 245lbs and I swear it felt 20lbs lighter! Maybe I will try for 250 next week. Deadlifts were solid at 175 and I upped my weighted dips by ten pounds bringing them to 45lbs now.
"You can succeed if nobody else believes it, but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself."
-William J.H. Boetcker

22 yrs old
6'3 220lbs
Goals: Add lean mass and cut body fat.
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