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Old 06-21-2007, 09:39 AM
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Frontline Frontline is offline
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First thing, unless you are getting ready for a competition I don't think you need to be super strict on yourself. If you try to avoid all temptation eventually you will fall off the wagon big time and have a fatty festival as I like to call it. Giving yourself a treat every once in a while on a cut will help to keep you sane. Say you have 1 "bad" meal for every 25 or whatever good meals you ate before it, that bad meal isn't going to completely negate all the positive things you did before it. If you eat the right things on cheat meal it might even help your metabolism.

The trick is to get back on the program after a slip up, so if you went overboard the night before the next day make sure you get some extra cardio or training in to burn off those excess calories. For example, I am pretty strict on my eating during the week but come friday night I go out and drink because I don't want to be a social hermit. Saturday's I always get in a little extra running to help burn off some of those excess calories. In the end, its all about calories in verses calories out.

If your serious about cutting the only thing that will help is dedication and realizing your end goal. Eating 5-6 small meals a day will help keep your metabolism going and your hunger down which should help you resist temptations. Another trick I use when I am tempted to cheat is to drink a big glass of water and see if I am still hungry a few minutes would be surprised how this can cut down on your cravings (at least for me). Also, eating a lot of fibrous veggies with your meals will help to keep you full throughout the day so feel free to pile on the broccoli, green beans, etc.
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