Thread: hey everyone
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Old 06-27-2007, 07:19 PM
freskeer freskeer is offline
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Exclamation hey everyone

Hey, i just joined recently and have been looking through the massive amounts of info on the site. I been athletic all my life until i had shoulder surgery the middle of last year so I workin my way back into it. I've always had a good diet and have been taking protein post workout since i started lifting.

The reason why i actually joined is aorund that premise though. I've been trying to find a good pre/post workout meal bit and I've been running into a wall. I'm trying to get in shape for football so I don't need to look huge, but i do want to see if there's anything out there that can help in the all around nutrition sense. I have been reading up on citrulline malate and seems to be a good thing for athletes and might start on it, but once i started actually looking into products I hit a wall. There are so many products out there that I don't even know what to do with myself haha. I want to try to stay off creatine if at all possible or anything else that might create a dependency.

So basically summed up if you don't like reading like me. I'm looking for any suggestions on pre/post workout supp. that will help with an athletic physique and performance (football).

so if anyone could help that would be great!!! And I know nothing works immediatly so don't think i want that magic pill, i just want something that can help out.
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