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Old 07-15-2007, 08:48 PM
bowski bowski is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 14
Default Help with supplements please!

Ok... I'm a new member.... so let me start off by saying hello..... My names Adam, I'm 20 years old and have been working out off and on for about 3 years now but in the past 4 months i have joined a gym and have decided to get serious with working out.... i started off with a supplement from MetRX called Amped ECN NOS... well... after about a month on this stuff i started to notice blood in my urine.... i instantly got off the stuff and threw it away... I blame myself because I'm pretty sure i did not drink enough water with it even though i was drinking a gallon plus every day. so the past 3 months i have not been taking anything, I recently bought a multi-vitamin from GNC (mega men sport) and i also have Nitric Oxide Maximizer (GNC brand) and Protein (GNC brand).... I'm not too sure about the Nitric Oxide from GNC only because you have to take 6 pills all at once on an empty stomach(according to the lady at GNC)

if anyone could just give me a few helpful hints of where to start and how to go about without getting a kidney stone.... i would really appreciate it.... also im looking to get leaner and more defined muscles at the moment.... I'm currently 5'9" and 190 lbs... I have the meat on me to get big but right now im trying to get some definition... maybe I'm going about this backwards lol....

thanks and all help is appreciated
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