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Old 08-20-2007, 11:01 AM
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IronKitten IronKitten is offline
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Originally Posted by hrdgain81 View Post
If thats lyles stubborn fat protocol, any comments on it? How is it compared to just HIIT?
It was pretty much like the SFP. but it wasn't fasted. And no caffeine (ran out of coffee at home yesterday). I had eaten about an hour before I got to the gym and my complexes only take a few minutes.

I did do a bit of a trial run on the SFP a couple weeks ago. It had been something like 2 hours since I'd eaten when I'd gotten to the gym on that one. THAT time I was kinda nauseous toward the end of the SS. The setup I did last night, not so much.

From those couple of experiences, it's not that much worse than a regular HIIT session. Just takes longer. And both times I DID feel a little of the "tingle" in my trouble spots that some say they feel with it.

Pretty soon I'll be switching over to running the 'true' program (ie, fasted with stims). My plan is to use that during the last month or so of prep.
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