IronWorker - SS gone WestSide
Well summer working out didn't go too well cause I was working around small towns so I did some cardio stuff but no access to weights while staying in crappy hotels.... Boo so my lifting has suffered but I did get to the gym in my hometown for the last month or so with a buddy so I at least got acclimated to lifting again.
Class started this week so its time to start up the starting strength program. I need to bring up my strength numbers and would like to add some bulk too. I'll be doing this program till probably xmas for sure.
Here is what we did today and remember I started fairly light so I'd have room to improve and so I could nail the form.
My current weight is 170lbs and I'm right at 6' tall. So I'm pretty lanky and I'd like to fill out some before spring break trip! I'd tell you my bf% but my little hand held thing is busted soooo too bad ha.
Workout A
bench - bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 8 (warmup)
- 135lbs 3x5 (working sets)
squats - bar x 10 ish (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 7 (warmup)
- 135lbs 3x5 (working sets)
standing rows
- bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 95lbs x 10 (warmup)
- 115lbs 3x5 (working sets)
Accessory Lifts
- bodyweight 3x10 (I figured my tris were already warm from bench)
Sitting Skull Crushers (with dumbell)
- 40lbs x10 (too light)
- 45lbs 3x10 (felt pretty good so I'll work from there)
Leg Raises (one in the middle and one off to each side)
- completed 5 cycles middle left right for 3 sets
Cable Ab pull down
- 70lbs x 10 (too light)
- 90lbs x 10 (too light)
- 120lbs 3x10 (much better)
Felt really good to get back to the gym. Hope someone will check this out and comment on it if necessary.
I was gonna ask about how wide should I grip on rows? I was just doing the same grip as bunch since its the opposing exersize.
Also, should accessory be 3x10 or more 3x5 stuff?
One more question, when working abs is it good to have high reps or low reps?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Iron Worker
Last edited by iron_worker; 10-10-2007 at 03:35 PM.