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Old 09-09-2007, 12:44 PM
EricT EricT is offline
Rank: Heavyweight
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6,314

^^^You're welcome. Yeah pretty much what I'm saying....keep it simple and add when needed. I meant to say 8 to 12 reps for "accessories" btw, not 6 to 12 (just in general).

Do 1x5 for deads. 3x5 is too much for this. To train the deads it is feasible to progress by increasing denstiy and adding reps here and there as long as this is not inducing a high state of fatigue or you can add a set after a good rest in lieu of increasing load. There are legitimate reasons for doing this. However for straight load progression just stick to 1 set of 5.

I would also point out that although Rip says, rightfully, that deads and squats can be increased by much larger increments than pressing exercises, etc. it is not always the best idea to increase load on these this quickly. As I've said before, quicker is not always better. One thing that people fail to recognize is that interjoint coordination changes as the load increases pretty much no matter who you are. What that means is as you increase the load very quickly week to week the relationship between the lower extrmeties move and the lumbar rejion especially will change in response to the increased load. No matter how much you try to adhere to a precscribed method and form this will pretty much happen. This is why some people feel like their "form is breaking down" as they progress in SS.

Problem is the relatively small changes can be big in terms of injury potential for the unconditioned muscles because of changes in starting length, etc. That's really one of the drawbacks of the starting strenght program in general. All of this applies to squats also.

Definitely a good reason to keep deadlifts to 1 set since the average beginner will be increasing the load very very quickly. When you couple this increase in load with mounting fatigue it's not a good prescription. Even without this deads are going to be the most metabolically demanding thing you do.

This is all just general stuff and not necessarily aimed at you in particular since we have a bunch of guys doing SS.

For ab look at Hunter's journal and see what he's doing now and what I posted in that (just so I don't have to repeat myself

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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