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Old 09-21-2007, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Eric3237 View Post
Well you did 15 reps at your 5x5 weight supposedly so there isn't much chance you would get a new PR of any kind this week unless perhaps you had been working in a state of low recovery. That doesn't mean you need to cycle PR days back although it wouldn't hurt you too much. I don't see someone at your stage of training getting a lot of mileage out of 15 reps a week. It's kind of wishful thinking trying to do such a small amount of total work. The main thing is to set up some type of challenging progression on volume day and try to pretty much make that linear from week to week.

You may wan't to do a backoff or two for squats on PR days if you have trouble getting good reps.

Hi Eric

My plan was to leave a little breathing room so that I can have a few build up weeks before hitting PRs.You are probably right about 15 reps not being enought to spur progress for long, I'll keep very close eye on that.Would you suggest adding sets first if PR day stops or would you remove a set or 2 first?

Also Ill do back offs next time if I have trouble with form, I wasnt sure if I should or not.

Thanks mate
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