Thread: Techrod
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Old 09-27-2007, 12:49 AM
JWalls8807 JWalls8807 is offline
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Default Techrod

As I've told you all before (before I took an absence from the site) I don't have a gym near by. I know that sounds totally crazy to you guys but I live in the boondocks. lol. This little town is so far away from society that it's not even funny.

I've had this for a while.
When I first seen it at Wal Mart I had to have it and I did. Then when I came home I played around on it for a while and then I found the '' website and I asked them about it and they basically told me that it was a waste of time and money to even tempt it.

SO! I pretty much let dust collect on it.
Plus I really don't know what to do on it anymore. It came with a poster of exercises but I lost it. lol.
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