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Old 10-06-2007, 06:59 AM
Topshelf Topshelf is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 91

Forgot to post up the last few workouts. Been a good week as my motivation is super high right now. I increased both my bench and the dead, and I feel like I can add another 10lbs to the dead every workout. Funny how some exercises I despise and some I love. I love the dead.

Workout B
3x5 - 160lbs

Overhead Press
3x5 - 85lbs

Pull Ups - 5/4

Curls - 3x5 - 75lbs

I'm finally ready to add 5lbs to the squat after this week. I think I just needed to man up. It's still heavy as hell. But if I'm getting 3 sets of 5, there's no reason not to keep going. Also, some days I feel great on the pull-ups, others I feel like I can't even support my own weight...odd. I added curls to this workout out too. I hope it's not a bad idea, I just wanted to try to add a little size to my arms. I'm up almost 30lbs now from when I started, and I still feel like I have small arms.

Workout A
3x5 - 160lbs

3x5 - 145lbs

1x5 - 205lbs

Dips +10lbs - 4/3

Felt great during Thursdays workout. My only disappointment was the dips. I was spent before I even started, but I think that could have had something with the increase in the bench. Atleast I'm hoping that's the reason. Tomorrow is workout B again, and I'm sore as hell today from working yesterday. Hope that doesn't slow me down.
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