Thread: Synephrine
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Old 10-24-2007, 12:47 PM
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IronKitten IronKitten is offline
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Personally, I don't use anything specifically for appetite suppression. The synephrine I've used mainly as a bit of a stim. The appetite part of it was just a kicker.

A majority of products that claim appetite supression that I know of also contain stims. The only thing that I've looked at recently that doesn't contain added stims and isn't known for being much of a stim is Hoodia Gordonii. Being that that's been the latest 'craze' in marketing, I looked into it a bit. And it's typical of a craze in that there's very little research on it, literally no published studies. So I have to wonder how effective it really is.

How bad does your hunger get?
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