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Old 10-24-2007, 03:33 PM
Topshelf Topshelf is offline
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Posts: 91

Originally Posted by Sentinel View Post
1.) you squat 3x a week because its one of those big bang exercises and the only other exercise with a bigger bang than the squat is the deadlift but that is also the most neurologically draining exercise so u cannot do it 3x a week. therefore the only exercise left is the squat. other exercises do exist which are better than the squat but they are all oly lifts.

2.) u do not do 5 exercises 3x a week because u will not be able to progress because u will not be able to recover.

3.) starting strength is not a set-in-stone program. it is a mere template which is supposed to be changed and manipulated to fit the trainees goals.

Eric, is this an ok answer? :( somehow i feel as if im going to get ripped apart....shit.
Thanks a lot guys! I'll just have to remember to have Eric guilt you in to answering all my questions for now on.

Sentinel, I believe the above quote from your post perfectly answers every question I had. I'm still using the SS template because I'm only 12 weeks into my training which easily makes me a beginner, plus I think I've been getting good results from it so far. I have been thinking about dropping the midweek squat weight a few pounds to help with recovery as I think I'm reaching a stalling point right now. I guess the thing that had me thinking was the fact that using the A,B,A,B schedule, I'm only benching and deadlifting every 4 or 5 days. That just seemed like a long time, but I need to remember that this is a beginners program, and I should use it for as long as I can continue to progress and improve my technique.

I do have 2 more questions though about the squat now.

1) If I drop the midweek squat weight, should I increase the reps?

2) I believe I have a grade 1 groin strain. I have a pain in the adductor muscles in my right leg that I feel about 1 foot from the top of the squat. I can go down fine, but just before I complete the upward motion, I feel a little pain. It's not excruciating, but I can't imagine it's good. Should a take a break from squatting? I tried wrapping the area with an ace bandage tonight, but it's a very difficult spot to get good pressure on. I'd hate to miss out on squats since I don't know how bad it is, or how long it will take to fully heal. I know how important squatting is, so how should I handle this. And don't say go to a doctor, that's for sissies! lol
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