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Old 11-10-2007, 05:11 AM
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 25
Default Stacking Question

I'm 35 5'7 215lbs. Have the flabby beer gut. Goal: bulk up a lot and then later maybe right before summer start to cut. Been lifting about a year. Tried a few different creatines and proteins. Currently on Prolab Mono (seeing a huge difference very fast!) and Wal-Mart protein. Have never stacked. I am usually at the gym no later than 6:30am. and done by 7:30am. Been reading a lot of people take fish oil and flax.

I am probably doing this wrong and would appreciate any advice!!
Wake up and take a protein shake
take creatine
eat breakfast 1/2hr after that. off to work.
protein shakes maybe 2 more times daily.

What order would you recommend doing what? Should I be taking fish oil or flax oil and a daily vitamin? If so, what brands, etc. would you recommend. Just starting to read up on fish oil, sounds like everyone takes it.

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