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Old 11-24-2007, 05:30 PM
Frankie Dee Frankie Dee is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 7
Default Milos Sarcev: Lodge a Complaint to the AG about IFBB's monopolistic practices

If Milos's suspension is not lifted when he finishes serving his suspension, as the IFBB has done to Lee Priest, I suggest that Milos files a formal complaint against the monopolistic practices of the IFBB with the Attorney General's office.

Bigger monopolies than the IFBB has been dismantled by the AG. Example AT&T.
Bill Gates saw his monopolistic dreams go crashing when the AG took him to court. After spending a small fortune fighting the anti-trust action, the richest man in the world caved in and abandoned his plans.

The IFBB themselves filed a complaint against the monopolistic practices of the AAU to the AG and got the AAU dismantled! That's how the IFBB got established. And now they are doing exactly the same thing!

Why is a monopoly regarded as public enemy NO. 1 in a market economy? Because as the IFBB is now showing, it operates as a fraud against the consumer (IFBB Pros and fans in this case). In a monopoly, prices are ALWAYS higher and services ALWAYS poorer. Everytime a monopoly is dismantled and free competition is let in, prices ALWAYS FALL and service ALWAYS improves. I'm sure you've all seen this happen in real life as AT&T was broken up. This explains why the USA has anti-trust laws and the EU has "Anti-competition" laws - to prevent monopolies from ever taking root!

Milos, a complaint to the AG has NO LEGAL COSTS. If the IFBB fights the case against the AG, it is the IFBB that will incur legal costs, as in Microsoft's case. Even the richest man in the world couldn't stand the legal costs and fight what is essentially wrong!

Curt Flood's case against the Baseball Board has shown that the courts will never tolerate such monopolistic abuses. The IFBB may even be ordered by the courts to pay damages to all pro bodybuilders affected by their monopoly. I'm sure, Wayne deMelia of PDI and Lee Priest would also join in filing the complaint to the AG.
For Justice, Fairplay and Truth
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