Thread: Boobs!!
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Old 12-01-2007, 06:18 PM
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IronKitten IronKitten is offline
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Originally Posted by TALO View Post
There's no doubt that it would help your confidence level on stage. I think that if your going to continue competing then you should have them done.
When it comes to confidence on stage, I'm great there. I do pad my suits as much as I can without it looking goofy.

But when it comes to my overall confidence, I think it would really help me. To me, breasts are somewhat synonymous with femininity. And when I get close to show, even though I LOVE the way my body looks, the one thing that I hate is the fact that I've pretty much lost my boobs. If you look at my avi, that was taken the first day of prejudging at my last show. And it's kinda obvious that I'm not holding a whole lot in the breast department

And quite honestly, when I'm at that point and I have people telling me that I look masculine, my first thought is, 'they wouldn't say that if I had some boobs left.'

Just don't jump into it. Do your research. Which we can all agree that your a smart one and have already.
I've been researching things off and on for at least 3 years now. Figuring out the fine points of all the options there are out there. It's actually kinda overwhelming how much goes into it. Not only are there multiple types of incision points, there are multiple types of implants.. what they're filled with, what the profile is, how much to fill them.. and those are all based on what there is to work with to begin with AND what's wanted for the end look. Then there's placement... over, under, partial... will under the muscle affect my training, or even a partial under the muscle. What's the chance of the pocket migrating due to training style....

It's complicated stuff!!

Plus, I've seen WAY too many girls go from consult to surgery in two months and end up unhappy with what they have. Mainly because they were just immersed in the idea of "I'll have boobs soon!" to fully research things and find out what's best for them, and which surgeon can make that happen.

ramble ramble ramble....