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Old 01-08-2008, 08:41 AM
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IronKitten IronKitten is offline
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Originally Posted by MONSTAFACE View Post
well i dont think backwards escalater was that high last time around. do you think thes gladiotors are as good as the old ones? i dont think the women are. they have a few that seem cool but helga is big for nothing and stealth is super small. she is smaller than the contestants. they just ran right over her or by her in the gauntlet.i don think these gladiators scare anybody though except for like 2 or 3
The 'travellator' used to be at the very beginning of the course instead of the end. Which is why they've added in the ropes now too. Once you've gone through that thing, that ramp is damn hard to get up.

I think the women gladiators are kicking butt so far. They're being more aggressive than the men. Granted, they're not as big as the old female gladiators were. But I think the route the execs were taking this time with the women was to make it a little more appealing to a female audience. And, even though some of those gals look small, they're not all that tiny.

Sleath (Tanji Johnson) is a smaller gal in stature (I think she's 5'1" or 5'2"). But she IS a powerful chick. I don't know why she was getting mowed over so quick. Maybe she'll do better in the other events.