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Old 01-10-2008, 05:47 PM
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Frontline Frontline is offline
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how long should u not eat before bedtime? i've heard u shouldnt eat after 9... but is that when ur going to bed at 10? 11? i tend to go to bed at 12, what time should i stop eating in order for my food to be burned? sorry if this is a dumb question
Different for different goals...I personally prefer to eat my last meal and try to hit the sack around 30 mins later. In all reality your not going to be "burning" the calories in those last meals unless your being active which is usually not the case right before bed.

I use my last meal as a way of feeding my body throughout the night. That being said I usually try to eat a slow digesting protein or some protein with healthy fats to slow down the digestion. This should deliver nutrients to your body for a longer period throughout the night.
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