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Old 01-22-2008, 10:23 AM
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Blaze Blaze is offline
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Posts: 25

3 - 5 sets (I try to do more sets on the days i have less individual exercises)

8 - 15 reps (really depends on that specific moment, I focus mainly on the contraction of the muscle, while trying to do explosive yet controlled movements)

Thank you Ross, for your feedback. The thing with the "arms-day" is that, well, I have a pretty full week, and the arms-day gives me some room to breathe in terms of time. If training legs 2 times a week in this program would be better, I could train 7 days a week, no problem.

As soon as i get some bigger weight's I'm going straight back to low volume... Hope this will cut it in the meantime.
"There are two kind of people. People who talk the talk, and people who walk the walk.
Now, people who walk the walk sometimes talk the talk. But people who talk the talk, never walk the walk."
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