Thread: Marv's Journal
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Old 01-27-2008, 09:52 AM
Jeffo Jeffo is offline
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Originally Posted by marv View Post
The speed work has been a nice change, I am becoming more explosive each week. How did you find it? You were doing dynamic and max effort work if I remember correctly. I pulled something in the elbow area doing bombs off a tarzan rope into a pool. Then every couple of weeks I would agravate it doing rows. Whats up with your arm m8?
Hey Marv,

I only did speed bench for about 8 weeks, and I liked it as well. It didn't help my max strength, but I did become more explosive for sure. Now that I haven't done any speed work in a while, I notice I've become slower.

I'm not sure what's wrong with my arm. I can tell I've got a messed up right RC, and something is wrong with my right elbow. They've both been with me for months now, and they're just not going to get any better on their own. I'm seeing an apparenlty "great" physio guy on 4 February, so hopefully he can point me in the right direction. It's really starting to get to me. Nothing is more annoying than having some sort of injury.

Good numbers btw mate. It seems like heavy squatting is really becoming your thing.

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