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Old 01-30-2008, 03:59 PM
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OTIS OTIS is offline
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You should swap it around so you work your back with chest and biceps with triceps because they are similar in location on the body and opposite functions. If you do a really hard tricep workout, and then do biceps the next day, i have experienced that it still interferes with the motions, even if you dont work the triceps because when you curl up its biceps, when you lower the weight its the triceps. You can feel your triceps contract as you lower arms and the soreness may cause issues. Keep the legs and shoulders though.
For power, you can take heavy days, where you exercise with a weight that allows only 4-8 good reps before you start cheating. Just do sets of these rep ranges with your exercises and you will devlop power and strength. Different rep ranges are for different aspects of the muscle. Low reps means power, med range reps like you are doing now is mostly for growth and mass gain, usually
20-25+ reps means endurance, and not much muscle or strength gains.