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Old 03-04-2008, 11:21 PM
Mike92 Mike92 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 6
Default My new workout routine

As from my earlier post- I have constructed a new workout program. I am 16yrs old at 5'9'' and weigh 156lbs. My current goal is to be a faster sprinter but at the same time gain muscle mass. I have sprint training 3 times a week every other day. Would this workout help me gain muscle mass?

Monday: Traps, Legs and Triceps
1. Dumbbell Shrugs
3. Dumbbell Squats
4. Calf Raise
5. Dumbbell Extensions
6. Bench Dips

Tuesday: Forearm, Chest and biceps
1. Seated Dumbbell Palms-down Wrist Curl
2. Seated Dumbbell Palms-up Wrist Curl
3. Incline Dumbbell Flyes
4. Around the worlds
5. Hammer Curls
6. Dumbbell Curls
7. Seated Dumbbell Curl

Wednesday: Free

Thursday: Shoulders and Biceps
1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2. Bent over Raises
3. Standing Side Raises
4. Dumbbell Front Raises
5. Arm Circles 2 sets of 8
6. Front Two- Dumbbell Raise
7. Alternate Hammer Curls
8. Incline Dumbbell Curl
9. Concentration Curls

Friday: Legs and Triceps
1. Dumbbell Lunges
2. Dumbbell Deadlift
3. Dumbbell Squat
4. One Arm Pronated Dumbbell triceps Extension
5. One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Triceps extension
6. Lying Dumbell Extension

Saturday: Back and Shoulders
1. Bent over 2-Dumbbell Row
2. Front Two- Dumbbell Raise
3. Cuban Press
4. Dumbbell overhead Press ( standing up )
5. One-Arm Side Laterals

Sunday: Free
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