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Old 03-31-2008, 11:10 AM
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IronKitten IronKitten is offline
Rank: Bantamweight
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 696

Not to be an ass, but maybe you should have researched this before you jumped into taking higher doses of Clen.

Clen is a bronchodilator. Meaning, it 'opens the lungs'. It increases oxygen transport and blood pressure. So when you're using something that's designed to get more oxygen through the body faster, and then you're putting something into your lungs that ISN'T oxygen, it's not the best idea. Sure, you might get high even faster, but you're also ensuring that your oxygen concetration in your blood goes down much faster also. Which means bad things for your body. And yes, there's a potential for cadiac interruption while using both.

I'd say the choice should be clear. Give up the Clen or give up the pot (or hell, why not go even healthier and give up both?).
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