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Old 04-11-2008, 10:39 AM
Jeffo Jeffo is offline
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Originally Posted by "Switch" HIThopper
Rows 2x5 40kg (Gay!!)
That's a new variant!

I'm not sure I'd call that a "light" day. Failure on the press and singles until form break down on the heaviest lift the human body can do. Not really "light." I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this, but calling it a "light" day is a bit odd.

My own experience on the belt issue. I used to belt anything considered a work set. A little while ago I just took the belt off and now I only belt it when going for a max test. I think I've worn it twice since September. Thing is, I don't really feel that my core strength has improved since taking the belt off. I don't know how I would know either way anyways.

People argue back and forth about this; some saying your core won't keep up if you belt, others saying it keeps up just fine. I've never come accross anything conclusive on either side. Do any of you guys have anything worth reading on this topic?

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