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Old 05-13-2005, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Tom
im on a sports teams im playing baseball right now and im gonna sign up for lacrosse and basketball in the winter and nothing works maybe im doing something wrong how many sit ups should i be doing a day and how heavy of weights should i be lifting to get rid of this fat i mean the only thing i want is some abs and loose all the upper body fat and turn it into muscle. im 5'9 180 and i have pretty big muscles the only problem is my stomach and my chest please tell me how many sit ups and how heavy of weights i should be lifting

you cannot spot reduce. meaning, if you got a little chub around the midsection you can't do situps and "burn it off" you gotta reduce your overal bodyfat. your body will genetically have certain spots that it "likes" to store fat. in many peoples cases that is their torso. (ie stomach/love handles/chest) you are going to have to eat right to lower your bodyfat and those areas WILL slim down... it wont' happen overnight though. doing situps will help in that situps will tone/tighten the muscle, but to be able to SEE the muscle you gotta get rid of the fat. ever wonder why sometimes you'll see a guy that is skinny as shit but doesn't have abs? its b/c he has low BF% but he hasnt' built up the muscle mass to have that 6-pack look. same thing with a guy who does tons of situps/ab work but is carrying some fat on him... he wont' have the 6-pack look either b/c although he has the musculature, he doesn't have low enough BF% to show 'em off. you have to have both.

like we've said (and we are honestly trying to help you out here) diet is KEY. abs are made in the kitchen. if you aren't eating correctly you can do 1000 situps a day and still never see a 6-pack
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