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Old 04-24-2008, 07:54 AM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
Rank: Light Heavyweight
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3,713

Ok, I'm back, its been too long, I'm suffering from dot net withdraw.

Personal update:

Got a new apartment, new job (start the 28th), new car (on the way), all I need now is a new girl and I'll be all set

The last three weeks have consisted of me getting wrecked because I was on "vacation", a lot of eating, and a lot of sleeping. I've been lazy as hell for the most part, but I have been programing a lot (cause it help so much with cardio vascular endurance) hahaha.


I've switched things up again, big f'in suprise. I'm going to be focusing on endurance as much as possible in the next six months, and lifting to simply keep the mass and strength that I already have. My specific goal isnt fat loss, but I will assume a good diet, and 3 days of extended cardio a week will help with that also.

I'm going to be doing a full body 3x3 on tues/thurs, and keeping it simple. Bench/Squat/Dead or some derivation there off will be the main stays, and I will alternate isolations as I feel I need them. I will also be doing shoulder rehab work on endurance days with abs.

I do need some help though, I've never really trained purely for endurance before. I'm not a runner, and I'm sure as hell not built for speed, so anyone with knowledge in that area I would really apprecaite the help. There are a lot of martial arts events coming up for me in the near future, and I need to be prepared ...
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.
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