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Old 04-24-2008, 04:29 PM
Rank: Lightweight
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: philly
Posts: 1,405
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didnt get a reply quick enough so i just tried some heavy weight today. i worked on the bench. my chest shoulders,bis,tris, fuck it everything was sore from all the pushups, shoulder and back work i did this week. so i figured my numbers wouldnt be as good as i wanted but i just wanted to get in something kind of heavy. it felt like sore and i could have pushed more but it felt like a stong workout though. i didnt want to do to much though until i know i wouldnt overtrain. the feeling i had wasnt an overtrained feeling , but just being broke down from working hard thats all.

bench press

3x3 @ 385

incline press
3x3 @ 315

hammer curls
1x10 @ 40
1x10 @ 40

incline dumbell curls

3x10 25


3x5@ 225

i started the bench at 405 an di put it bakc on rep 2 because i knew i wouldnt be able to finish the whole 3x3 strong the way i wanted. if it were on monday .......yeah but not today. sio i dropped it down to 385 and i finised every rep strong. it felt like i could have put a little more weight on the incline but i wanted to make sure i could finish it first. so next go round i will go up. with the hammer curls i will be honest could have went a little heavier. so then i went to the 50's and then i didnt feel like doin gthem any more so i went back down to the 40s. doing heavy curls or whatever aint that important to me so as long as i get some work in on them im fine. plus my bis were burning already from the endurance work i did with rows yesterday. and when i do the incline curls i use the light weight because i do them real strict and slow . to the point im really isolating them. ill post a vid so you can understand why the weight i use is so small. i did more rows because................................BECAUSE I LOVE THEM LOL. since i got into the pedley rows i have been loving to do them. plus i sai dfuck it i havent done any back work in a while so why not. i won tbe doing that much work on it in a week all the time but it just felt good plus it will help me out with my pull ups. im starting to get nice full ROM with them. just go tto work on reps

You clearly don't know shit about fuck - KANE

You're not some sort of mystical creature that is immune to a training effect- KANE

I wish there was an entity that represented the term "injury" if it was, i would find it and beat the living shit out of it!!!!!

yes......i just type and press enter, i dont proofread i did enough of that in college. you know what i meant when i typed it anyway

Last edited by MONSTAFACE; 04-25-2008 at 07:28 AM.
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