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Old 05-28-2008, 11:44 AM
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Frontline Frontline is offline
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The fact is usually healthy eating and calorie counting go hand in hand.

The best thing you can do is learn what type of foods you like, which are healthy, and do the calorie and macronutrient lookup on them. That way when your putting together your meals you can easily look at your plate and say "there is probably 400-500 calories in this meal". When you switch to healthier foods you are also usually able to eat more food because most of them aren't as calorie dense compared to junkier foods.

Even if you are eating healthy you will still need to know what calorie range you want to consume a day to meet your goals, whether its weight loss or gaining muscle. You don't have to get crazy with counting every little thing but having a general idea will always help you meet your goals. After a while it just becomes second nature.
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