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Old 06-27-2008, 06:15 PM
Rank: Lightweight
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talo hit it right no the nose.

IK hit me a while back with some numbers with all the cals, carbs and all that stuff. this was when i was between 280 and 285 i guess you can adjust the numbers accordingly to your body weight. but this is exactly what IK sent to me and i think it looks great.


In determining your cals, men usually start to lose fat at around 15xBW. Not everyone is the same, but it's an easily calculated starting point.

For you:

15x280 = 4200 cals/day.

(cal breakdowns: Protein is 4 cals per gram. Carbs are 4 cals per gram. And fats are 9 cals per gram)

Protein: 300g (just over 1g/pound, easy round number to divide things up). 300x4 = 1200 cals

Fats: 280x0.5 = 140g. 140x9 = 1260 cals

Carbs: subtract the cals from proteins and fats from your totals (4200-1200-1260) = 1740 cals for carbs. Divide that by 4 to get the number of grams (1740/4) = 435g carbs.

NOW, that's a lot of carbs to get in during a day. If that seems like a lot to you, you can always up the fats a bit and drop the carbs a bit.

For example, if you up the fats to 0.7g/pound, you get:

0.7x280 = 196g. 196x9 = 1764cals.

4200 total cals - 1200 protein cals - 1764 fat cals = 1236 cals for carbs. 1236 cals/4 = 309g carbs.

Less carbs to cram in there, and fats add up pretty quickly, so you won't have to eat a ton with that much fat in your macros.

To recap, my suggestion for your macros would be:

4200 cals
300g protein
196g fat
309g carb

OR, if you prefer the higher carb levels:

4200 cals
300g protein
140g fat
435g carb

You clearly don't know shit about fuck - KANE

You're not some sort of mystical creature that is immune to a training effect- KANE

I wish there was an entity that represented the term "injury" if it was, i would find it and beat the living shit out of it!!!!!

yes......i just type and press enter, i dont proofread i did enough of that in college. you know what i meant when i typed it anyway
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