Thread: F = m.a.
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Old 07-02-2008, 07:45 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Originally Posted by Eric3237 View Post
Just because someone believes that injuries can be avoided doesn't mean they are saying not to "lay it on the line". But I understand that that was not your intention.
I would say that we definitely don't see eye to eye here. My experience has taught me and shown me that injuries happen. Not for lack of trying to avoid them, but the sport of weight lifting is dangerous. Aside from the downright clumsy crap I've done to myself through the years (dropping weights on toes, etc) I've had injuries that I never saw coming. A partial pec tear beaing one of them. The addition of weight begins to expose flaws in the way we move, or exposes weaknesses in musculature/joints. I recon that most of that is congenital and is typically brought to light under innocent enough circumstances. Sure, you will get the occasional kid that thinks they can squat 400lbs and gets squished... but you can't fix stupid and you can't save people from themselves. The rest of the time I'm willing to bet that most people don't suspect an injury prior to the big moment. So how do you train around this?

As an example, and I recognize that you don't want to hear my life story... but this fits, I was training Olympic lifts last night. I met with the assistant coach of the local weightlifting club. No shlub, the club has national competitors in olympic lifting. So I had the right person watching me and guiding me, in person. Even so I still managed to screw up a couple cleans and catch the bar in painful places. Had a couple snatches that were out of whack too, causing me to fight to get control of the bar. As a result I'm a little banged up, and not just DOMS. The weights were not maximal, as I was only working on form tweaks. Granted the lifts are pretty technical, but crap happens.

Originally Posted by Eric3237 View Post
I'm not trying to come off as combative and I don't disagree with everything you said, I'm only looking to protect Anuj from what I know his tendencies to be.
No... as his trainer you do what you have to do to keep him on track. I'm just offering "alternative" views. I've known Anuj from way back, and I'm just being me. I'm sure by this point he knows to ignore me
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