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Old 07-07-2008, 12:19 PM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

Well, typically I can see what people are going for in program design, but this one... I don't know. It doesn't really seem to fall into any of the normal trains of thought. Take for instance your back day. You have Pendlay rows, DB rows and hammer strength rows. Now, while I suppose one could argue that they could be targeted at different areas of the back, I might be tempted to throw the giant BS flag on it. You are doing pulldowns, great, but I don't understand their place in the order of things. Most people (bodybuilding types) would put emphasis on back width before thickness... Though I might be pretty quick to point out that I don't think pulldowns are the best way to skin that cat. Regardless, then you have curls before what I will assume is a "finishing" move in HS rows... but I'm not sure why you would need a finisher after two other kinds of rows, and why you would do that after curls.

Don't get me wrong, there could be a great reason for all of this, but from where I sit I don't get it. I suppose the better question would be "is it working?"
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