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Old 05-28-2005, 01:09 PM
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Dr X Dr X is offline
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If you starve yourself you might have a 6 pack but you will also have no muscle tissue. You will also retain fat because your body will go into survival mode. At 126 lbs you should be eating at least 1500 calories a day minimum. You could eat that much and run a CKD diet at maintenance and you would look fuller with abs. But with that being said what you need to do is pack on some muscle for the next year starting now with at least 2000 calories a day. Train hard, I'm sure you could quickly pack on some mass and then cut next year. You will look so much better. For a good bulking diet check out Daves clean bulk sticky. Quit what you are trying to do, it's unhealthy. No one is impressed over a skinny kid with abs. Get big first then cut.
The Fool say in his heart "There is no God"
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