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Old 07-17-2008, 07:49 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Originally Posted by ChinPieceDave667 View Post
LOL... Just picturing that and the explanation to the Police is making me crack up..
But I don't see one being able to swing a sledge furiously for much longer than a minute without gassing out. Unless it's a light sledge.
Well, regardless of your fury, brandishing about a sledge in a public space while presumably grunting and having no real business with a sledge (not like you are a construction worker) may still give the locals reason to call the cops... who would probably just have a good laugh if you explained what you were doing.

Glad it was a good read for all. Keep in mind that this whole write up was done with the financially challenged in mind. You can get high tech about this, but truthfully, I think that going old school with big rocks and pieces of pipe and sandbags is absolutely, 100% as effective as buying expensive gear. Sleds don't have to be more than a few boards nailed together, an old tire with a $1.39 U-bolt through it, or some other creative arrangement.

I think that if nothing else we all travel away from our gyms from time to time. The age old answer has kinda always been to do some push ups or sit ups in the hotel room. But why cut yourself short just because you can't put hands on a barbell or a machine? In fact, doing something out of the ordinary might be a good tool to point out all those weaknesses that your gym could be building into you. Let's face it, gyms are an odd thing. Everything there is designed to make hard work easier...
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