Originally Posted by Darkhorse
Depends on your recovery. This is a beginner template, so beginners can certainly do something like an ME lift for a few singles, then a heavy deadlift variation to follow.. If that's the case, I'd stick to the recommendation of a 1-5 RM.
Intermediates/advanced guys are much better served doing an ME lift, followed by whatever their weakpoints are. For example, if my hamstrings are weak, and I did a deadlift variation for my ME lift, I'd be much better served doing a lot of gluteham raises or even really heavy sled pulls.
Awesome, thanks. Yeah, I'm kinda of putting my powerlifting career on hold now so I can get back to playing intramural sports again like basketball, softball, and what not. I still want to play before my ass gets too old and I figure I can get back into powerlifting anytime. Make no mistake, though, I still want to progress with my lifts but trying to play sports and training with a lot of volume is asking for trouble. I'm just trying to figure out how to balance it out and still progress with my lifts.