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Old 07-25-2008, 08:42 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

Wow, a three year plan? And here I thought this thread might be a lot of work

Is there a reason you can't get your diet in check? Why waste money on supplements? real food tastes way better than powders and pills.

Here are my thoughts. You can make a few changes in your diet (assuming you have not been living off of deep fried snickers as your main caloric intake for several years) that will have a drastic impact on your health, your strength, your body composition and your energy levels... or you can cram metric butt tons of little pills and powder down your gullet that will make the difference between a mole hill and a slightly larger mole hill.

I mean, if the stuff is free, might as well use it, but I wouldn't spend money on it. In fact, if you feel the urge to toss money around in the hopes that it will make you muscular, my address is....
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