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Old 07-28-2008, 07:18 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Location: Lancaster, Ohio
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Originally Posted by mocforme View Post
i see your points and credit for most of them but....
please explain why
I am more energetic since i started taking l-carnitine before 30 minutes of workouts and
I recover in 1 day as opposed to 4-5 days since i started taking whey with BCAAs in it..
dont tell me it is placebo effect...
I am not gonna take any hardcore stuff just whey and l-carnitine do u think they have side effect?
take care..
btw do u have any recommend about my shoulder problem any preworkout cream,warmer, etc ?
i mentioned it before....

Well, I assure you that there is no medical/scientific research to support a 500% increase in recovery time due to BCAAs. Not to mention there is nothing magical about BCAAs. It is just a simpler version of the protein that you already eat. You know, AA's being the building blocks of protein and all. So you take some of the "hard" digestive work out of the equation. Technically, whey is just a step above AA supplements. Yet I'll stand by the fact that if you are not eating right, no amount of AAs or whey is going to make it all better.

As for feeling more energetic because of your carnitine... wow, I have no idea. Frankly there should be no earthly reason for that. It isn't a stimulant, doesn't have any stimulant type effects. It does seem to play some role in managing insulin, but still. I know they market the stuff as a weight loss supplement sometimes, but there is no real evidence to support that either.

So, without knowing the entire story I would say that the following is happening:

1) you are getting used to your workouts, or something has changed in your workouts to improve recovery.

2) Yes, the placebo effect. Which isn't a bad thing. Some pretty amazing results can come from just believing in something. In fact, I would say the supplement industry survives on the placebo effect. Honestly, if you believe it is working, then... whatever. It doesn't matter if there is a scientific reason or not. If you can will yourself more energy, or recover faster, then just keep on doing that

As for muscle rubs. My best advice is to use a liniment designed for race horses. Most of the commercial stuff you find is only so-so. If you have a farm supply store around you, then hit them up. I use Absorbine myself. A little bit goes a long way, and the smell isn't overpowering. Plus it is a clear gel (has a slight greenish tint) and isn't greasy. Once it is rubbed in it isn't coming off on your clothes or whatever. I would not use it under wraps or bands. It tends to eat up rubber.

Liniment, as opposed to Ben Gay or Icy Hot is designed to speed repair and recovery. The stuff old people use tends to just mask or distract.
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