Thread: Just wondering?
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Old 03-22-2005, 08:31 PM
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I was saying it would be ineffective if you were doing ALL your upperbody on the same day (all your upper body muscle groups) because you would be exhausting yourself and spending too much time in the gym. But from your reply I am guessing you got them split up between your upper body days which is what I meant. Thats just the way I read your original post.

What are your goals? Do you want strength, size, definition? I noticed most of your sets contain 12 reps, if you want to increase size and strength you should consider upping the weight and lowering the reps. If you can do 12 reps, you can definately do 8 of a higher weight.

Others can chime in when we get what your goals are which will allow us to give feedback on if your routine.
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