Thread: Horse shoes..
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Old 07-30-2008, 01:02 PM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Originally Posted by iron_worker View Post
Well I know dips are great for your tris but you're not going to get far if you're only training your tris. What I was trying to say was train the big movements to get your body in the growing mode and then throw in some extra tri work if you feel thats what you need to really focus on.

Not to pick on you IW...

But stuff like this. I see it a lot. Not sure where the idea came from that you should start with such a bare bones setup. I recognize that most people start on the 90% isolation routines that muscle mags put out there, but going 90% compound isn't necessarily the answer either.

Why so serious? Oh, you know... my time of the month, my parents didn't love me enough, I got sand in my vagina... you pick, they all make me crabby.
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