Thread: 2008 Olympics
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Old 08-11-2008, 02:16 PM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

Speaking of difficult, anyone see the black swimmer? Normally I hate the causes that Olympic athletes take up, but his "swimming for inner city youth" program is pretty cool. Being in the Navy I was shocked how many black guys couldn't swim. Even the ones that "could" looked like a three legged dog trying not to drown. I understand that you may not have much cause to save your life by swimming if you live in inner city (insert your own city here), but considering that it is a LIFESAVING measure, you would think a little more emphasis would be placed on it. I may not be Michael Phelps but I can keep myself above water long enough to not die. Normally the causes I see are things like "Third world skeet shooting" really? Because the little kid with an AK-47 needs to be able to hit a little pink disc? Retarded. Those people need food and a stable government, not a sport. Look it up in Maslowe's heirarchy of needs, "sport" doesn't even factor until food, shelter and safety are met. But learning to swim... safety, bam, hit it right on the head!
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