Thread: Creatine & DOMS
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Old 08-13-2008, 09:49 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

What "same condition" state will you get DOMS? I'm talking each and every time. Thinking back on my entire body of lifting experience I can not say that I can predict when I will have DOMS. there are simply too many factors at play. If I do the same workload, same exercises that gave me DOMS last week, they may not be as severe (or occur at all this week). If I do MORE work this week than last, I may have the same DOMS experience, or maybe it will be less... If I do less work, but I change what I am doing, I may get DOMS, may not.

The factors I see at play would be things like:
1. rest time. How much sleep or down time did I get?
2. Nutrition.
3. stress levels in my life (Cortisol et al, levels)
and probably many more. But even when I think about when I do get DOMS, I also can think about equal times where DOMS were not equal in magnitude or even present.

The human body is an interesting thing. While our physiology is equal, the factors impacting that small set of variables is almost infinite. Everything from oxygen to heavy metals has a way of altering that "simple" physiology. So while I agree that nobody eats glass and craps blueberries, the experience of the individual will vary greatly. For this reason one could easily say that "everyone is different" and that "We are all the same." Both are true and false to some degree. The real truth is that we all have some common starting ground, but to expect us to all end in the same place is like thinking you could blow all of the seeds off a dandelion and expect them to land in the same order they started in.
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