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Old 08-19-2008, 07:37 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

Oh, I don't think it would hurt him, other than possibly getting him in the mindset that strength and performance gains come in a bottle... which they do not... well, not a LEGAL bottle at least

But you know, why not start worrying about the most insignificant details now before you have put in any real work? It's like worrying which direction the napkins will face at your party before you have ordered the cake, sent out invitations or even picked the date. There are simply bigger fish to fry, but some people like worrying over stuff that won't make a difference.

I have seen evidence that creatine has some minimal value in certain cases, but I wouldn't say the value is high enough that it is worth hard earned cash. Not to mention it has been given these mythical qualities... improves recovery, more energy, more strength, makes your muscles grow, etc... all of which would make Mother Goose giggle. Sure, I think you can also say that hanging upside down makes you taller... but will it have any kind of meaningful lasting effect and can it turn a 5'10" guy into a 6'3" basketball star? I think that is what you are up against with any supplement (with the noted exception that I think caffeine has a noted and beneficial effect if used sparingly (to avoid tolerance or dependence).

And a final word on price: When I look at the cost of something, I look at what it will do for me compared to the cost (which is always a bad thing). Now, as a young college buck I had lots of disposable income, and I disposed of it... which at this point I generally consider a bad move. It will likely take most of you younger/not married guys a while to figure that out. But consider that for the price of a couple jugs of creatine you could buy resistance bands... something I would say is money well spent. Or for the price of some whey protein you probably don't need anyway, you could buy some fractional plates. So on and so forth until you have a gym bag full of truly useful, lifetime lasting tricks which may ACTUALLY provoke some intense workouts (and perhaps a touch of fun, which I think most people lack).
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