Thread: Recovery
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Old 08-26-2008, 09:56 AM
Andrew.cook Andrew.cook is offline
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Location: Lancaster, Ohio
Posts: 353

Agree. My pre-workout routine tends to be a lot of heating areas that are sore stiff from my night's sleep (the wife allows the dogs in our bed, I have no control over this and after over ten years of marriage I don't bother to fight it anymore), I roll on the foam roller a bit to loosen up my back and legs, do a little dynamic stretching then head out to the garage for my warmups with weight. I actually only static stretch before bedtime... maybe 5-10 minutes while I'm waiting for the wife to take out her contacts and do whatever other voodoo she does while she is in there.

Honestly, I have never given much thought to whether stretching before bed helps or hurts me.... Now I kinda wonder.
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