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Old 08-27-2008, 09:33 PM
FlyUSMC FlyUSMC is offline
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Not worried about the clutter, I appreciate the input. From what you're saying, it sounds like I would want to
a) disburse the big lifts (cleans, DL) between days, instead of all on the same day
b) switch from a ramped max day to perhaps a increased set day? Or something less taxing than PR sets, at least.

Am I on the right track? I'll have more questions, of course, but it sounds like the vol-rec-int setup is best saved for an increased diet. Perhaps something in the lower weight higher rep range, like 3x8's?

As far as calories- I'm aiming for 1.5-2lb/week, meaning I have to come 750-1000 short. Since I know that 2lb/wk may be a bit too fast for a 170lb guy, I'll probably be coming in closer to -750/day. Thanks to FitDay I'm also noticing that my protein intake is still a bit too low, so these things will be adjusted/corrected.
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