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Old 08-29-2008, 12:17 PM
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Iced696 Iced696 is offline
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Default Shoulder surgery outcome.. Not Good!

Let me apologize right up front for the long read people, but you'll understand why in a moment..

I had shoulder surgery several months ago and after waking up the surgeon answered a few questions and then was on his way to another patient. Before leaving he told me he was able to remove the more than 1/2 inch long bone spur (which he stated was the biggest he'd seen in 30 years of surgery) but my rotator could not be repaired because the damage to the supraspinatus was not repairable. So what does this mean? Well I found out today...Finally! I asked him some specific questions going in because up until today he wasn't very helpful. I found that the supraspinatus wasn't just unrepairable, it was gone. Meaning, when it tore, it tore completely and because the VA takes some time in getting to things it could not be stretched back out and re-attached. Now this seems odd because other than the usual soreness associated with the surgery, I feel pretty damn good. And having already started working back into a light routine I don't feel any difference in my range of motion and my shoulder seems to be coming back just fine. I asked him if this sounded right to him and he said that other than certain movements I may not see much in the way of a weakening in the shoulder and my deltoid muscles will eventually pick up the slack and stabilize the joint just fine. Now I'm not saying I will ever bench heavy again. Hell, I'm not young anymore so who cares. But, I'd like to get back somewhere close to where I was and just maintain it.

Any thoughts people?
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