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Old 06-04-2005, 07:46 PM
verbatimreturned verbatimreturned is offline
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Originally Posted by 0311
BTW, where did I ever say to ingest 50 grams of protein powder??!! I said one scoop with water :eek: Maybe you use an icecream scoop or a dump truck, but I'm talking about the 23 gram one in th emorning.

As for postworkout, show some references about how much the body can handle at one time. There aren't any I can think of because everyone is different. 50 grams works for me-

2 years ago after Iraq:169 lbs around
Now 246 all the while using 50 gram increments. I'm actually in the process of getting trained by the founder of DC training. We've been answering questions back and forth. He's over 300 pounds and speaks from 20 plus years of experience as well as all his trainees. They can't be all wrong about this, and they aren't pushing products like protein either
i guess u take ons whey trying to break up this somewhat serious debate
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