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Old 09-02-2008, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by dougz View Post
Ok, just now seeing the error of my ways..

I'm basically starting from zero, here, so all this info is making my head hurt..

What I've learned from the stickies so far, correct me where I'm wrong:

* I've been eating WAY less than I should, and eating more meals per day..

* I need to be eating some cod liver oil and glutamine every day

* I need to work out my body parts more frequently (currently I work out 2 body parts, every other day - back and chest one day, legs the next, etc).

* I should look into creatine, and pre/post work-out meals.

* I need to incorporate squats and deadlifts into my routine.

* I need to run on my days off, not right before I lift (I had been running 2 miles, then lifting).

Here's some questions that I need the hand holding on (like I say, I'm sure I could find them, but I'm starting to get burned out, taking all this in, and could use some cut and dry info:

What are some good recipes for pre-work-out meals?

What are some good recipes for post work-out meals?

What's a good pre-morning run meal?

Can the rest of my meals be 40-30-30 balanced?

From the formula I got here, it says for moderate activity, I should be eating 3175 calories a day. Is that to gain weight, or maintain the same weight while losing body fat?

At this point my head is on a swivel and I'm wondering if I should just get a trainer and get him/her to tell me what to do and when to do it, so any tips, feedbacks, sample work-out routines, and recipes you could share would be really appreciated!!!
Based on your stats you need around 2657 calories to drop bodyfat. If you're looking to try to add some lean muscle in the process maybe try a macro breakdown of 50p/25c/25f...might work better for you.
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