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Old 09-05-2008, 06:00 PM
andrew926 andrew926 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 6
Exclamation Critize my routine

Ok, so basically I want to burn a little fat and gain alot of amount of muscle. I'm 5'11 and a 150 pounds. I'm not overweight or anything really I'm just a little chunky like a gut fat around my breast. I've been working out for about 2 months with the routine that will be listed below. I haven't noticed too much of a difference yet, or is this usual? And if someone can direct me to a link of one of those calculator/tracker things where like you enter what you had for breakfast that day, portion size, what kind, etc. and at the end of the day it shows how many calories and all that you consumed. I've been told that my routine isn't the best and it's too much so can someone please help me out with a new one or something? I'm doing all this with a pull up bar, a bench set, a few dumbbells, a curled barbell and a regular barbell.

Monday - Chest, Shoulders and Traps:

Barbell Bench Presses (Chest) (4x8)

Dumbbell Chest Flies (Chest) (4x8)

Barbell Military Presses (Shoulders) (4x8)

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs (Traps) (4x8)

Tuesday - Legs, Lats and Abs:

Back Squats (Legs)

Dead Lifts (4x8) (Legs)

Chin-Ups (Lats) (As many as possible in 3 sets)

Weighted Crunches (Abs) (2x30)

Bicycle Maneuvers (Abs) (100)

Wednesday - Chest, Shoulders and Traps:

Barbell Bench Presses (Chest) (4x8)

Dumbbell Chest Flies (Chest) (4x8)

Barbell Overhead Presses (Shoulders) (4x8)

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs (Traps) (4x8)

Thursday - Legs, Lats and Abs:

Back Squats (Legs)

Dead Lifts (4x8) (Legs)

Chin-Ups (Lats) (As many as possible in 4 sets)

Weighted Crunches (Abs) (2x30)

Bicycle Maneuvers (Abs) (100)

Friday - Arms and whatever else:

Curled Barbell Curls (Biceps) (4x8)

Barbell French Presses (Triceps) (4x8)

Reverse Curled Barbell Curls (Forearms) (4x8)

Bent-Over Rows (Back) (4x8)

Standing Dumbbell Calf Raises (Calves) (4x8)

And I've been running a mile on the elliptical trainer 3 times a week.
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